Know your interview process

Muhammad Farhan
Dec 11, 2020
Know your interview process

This article is a sub-part of this article!

  1. Visit the careers site of the companies that you want to apply to and learn about their interview process. What skills do they want, how they hire, on what factors they accept or reject the candidates.
  2. Read “Cracking The Coding Interview” book, this will give you the best picture of what to expect in an interview process in most big tech companies.
  3. Watch YouTube videos, read some blogs or articles about the experiences of other candidates who have gone through the interview process of the company where you are willing to apply.
  4. Observe why rejected candidates failed and don’t repeat their mistakes.



Muhammad Farhan

Software Engineer @ClassPlus | Ex-Zomato | Google Summer of Code @Mozilla 2019 | GitHub Campus Expert